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Setting up konarPS/vorkath / HELP


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Hey, whats up guys hope all of you are doing great.

As the title says I would like to setup konarPS and make it work.(just for myself, for fun).  I have been trying for hours but I just have no clue what to do with it. I downloaded intelliJ since somebody told me that it wont work through eclipse I also downloaded postgreSQL since it seems, that its needed. If anybody has any experience with it, I would really appreciate the help.  I am just completely clueless when it comes to these more complicated sources. I am used to simple ones that you just import to eclipse and run it xD. I would love to learn on how to set up  more complicated ones. This is all "progress" Ive done 

This is the hidden content, please

*If you can help me run it, I am willing to pay you. If you are interested just PM me.*

Edited by capriojp
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