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Custom or Normal?


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I haven't touched a normal rsps, nothing against them but i like customs only because it feels like a hand made craft over a factory crafted type of server (if anyone understands what i mean lol)

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I think both have their strengths and their audiences. It really depends which one the owner / developers are interested in because passion really brings out the most in the project. If you survey the community and see a 70-30 split in favor of normal then we might see servers lean that way just for $$$. RSPS shouldn't be solely about the cash in my eyes but I understand some people are here for that.

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I prefer a nice custom server, unfortunately it’s been near impossible to find one that fits my preferred taste.


i don’t like the inclusion of Pokémon/yugioh/marvel characters, etc. I want a clean one with unique monsters and not just recycled sets and bad upgrade systems. 

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