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Any Ideas?


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SO i've basically just moved the kraken to its correct map area on my server using the teleportshandler.java and now when i tele to the npc they're all there but it dcs me and sends me back home rev is 474 error throwing up is:

[2020-06-13 06:30:11] java.lang.NullPointerException
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.pathfinding.StraightPathFinder.canAttackOver(StraightPathFinder.java:30)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.pathfinding.StraightPathFinder.isInteractionPathClear(StraightPathFinder.java:67)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.following.Following.getCombatFollowLocation(Following.java:93)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.following.Following.updateWaypoint(Following.java:271)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.player.Player.reset(Player.java:1726)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.rs2.entity.World.process(World.java:404)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.core.GameThread.cycle(GameThread.java:131)
[2020-06-13 06:30:11]     at com.xxx.core.GameThread.run(GameThread.java:146)


thanks in advance

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16 minutes ago, Nathanat3r said:

Am I actually being that foolish haha, let me update and I'll get back to you 

Nah didn't seem to work, I can't seem to attack the kraken after I moved it from black maps to actual location ? but as soon as I get close enough to attack it just dcs me still

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Right so i got it to stop kicking me the only issue i have now is i can't attack the pools for some reason in the new location but if i move the mob data back to the old place where there was no maps then i'm able to attack again which is really weird; this is what they're spawned with

        case 250058://Kraken
            TaskQueue.queue(new Task(5) {
                public void execute() {
                    int[][] DATA = { { 493, 2275, 10034 }, { 493, 2275, 10038 }, { 493, 2284, 10034 }, { 493, 2284, 10038 }, { 496, 2278, 10035 } };
                    for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) {
                        Mob mob = new Mob(player, DATA[0], false, false, false, new Location(DATA[1], DATA[2], player.getZ()));        
                public void onStop() {
                    player.whirlpoolsHit = 0;
                    player.send(new SendMessage("Welcome to Kraken's cave."));
            return true;

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