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Project Decimate Client Launcher


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19 hours ago, MrCastiel said:

lets see                                        

It is really bad mate don't even ;) I might write a launcher soon and release it.

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On 6/20/2020 at 2:42 PM, Pat said:

Yes another leak that I have decompiled and tested.

From what I could see once decompiled the launcher is the kingfox launcher that plays radioactive by piano.. I wouldn't personally use this but meh you can if you want..

No media as I cannot insert for some reason.


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Before you start flaming me for this release.. All I done was decompile the launcher, make the code look more readable than it was and archive/upload for you to download..

thx for this


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On 20/6/2020 at 13:42, Pat said:

Sí, otra fuga que he descompilado y probado.

Por lo que pude ver una vez descompilado, el lanzador es el lanzador kingfox que toca radioactivo con el piano ... Yo personalmente no usaría esto, pero meh puedes si quieres ...

No hay medios ya que no puedo insertarlos por alguna razón.


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Antes de que empieces a criticarme por esta versión ... Todo lo que hice fue descompilar el lanzador, hacer que el código pareciera más legible de lo que era y archivar / cargar para que lo descargues ...


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  • 1 month later...
On 6/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, Pat said:

Yes another leak that I have decompiled and tested.

From what I could see once decompiled the launcher is the kingfox launcher that plays radioactive by piano.. I wouldn't personally use this but meh you can if you want..

No media as I cannot insert for some reason.


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Before you start flaming me for this release.. All I done was decompile the launcher, make the code look more readable than it was and archive/upload for you to download..


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