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How much Rsps owners make


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i owned a server 718 rev with 15 players only i can get 2-4k per month and it lasted like 6 months so if u have 100 players maybe u can earn 10k min.

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casuals (those look genuinely like the server) + dumbois who don't know what money is (those random ppl who drop a random $1-10)  + addicts (those who dont mind spending money+ like your server) = bank


just make something good and appealing and you'll have a decent base (f2p) + random spenders = win 


5 million a week 



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Back when I ran a server, I was seeing about 1500 - 3k a month with about 150+ concurrent players

EDIT; Albeit it was only for like 2 months before closing, so I don't have much of a consistent number to work off of

Edited by Miazmik
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  • 1 year later...

it all depends on the amount of  time and effort you have to invest. along with the ability to handle any issues that WILL arise. 
the main problem with servers is everyone reads that  so-and-so made 500 here, 1k there, and they get excited thinking its easy money. there's ALOT more involved than just tossing something onlne and sitting back waiting for "cash to roll in"


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It really depends on the developer and how much work they put into there servers thats what people want and if a server has a good set of developers there going to donate no doubt.

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