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reprise my moderator role (for forum cleaning) - L


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- Runesuite Username: @L

- Discord Tag: MR SATAN#6661 "Usually always online just ping me"

- Age: 26

- Timezone: Pacific Standard Time

- Do you have a working microphone? yes i do.

- How much time can you contribute to Runesuite? currently as much time it needs "don't currently have a job"

- Do you have any staff experience? If so please provide what your role was and where you were staff on: i am the owner of

This is the hidden content, please
& run a few discords as well as starting development on a rsps again.

- Have you been punished on Runesuite or any other forums? If so, then what was your punishment and how have you been since then? NOPE

- What made you choose to apply for Runesuite? because i love runesuite but seems like forum links need some cleaning as well as spammers need the hammer.

- What are your biggest strengths? I'm a bit of jack a trades

- Would you be able to attend any staff meetings: of course :)

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[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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