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Zaryte's Forum / Discord Moderator Application


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- Runesuite Username: Zaryte

- Discord Tag (Ex; jack#0000): Zaryte#8324

- Age: 24

- Timezone: Eastern - US

- Do you have a working microphone? Yes.

- How much time can you contribute to Runesuite?

A few hours each day, more on the Weekends if needed.

- Do you have any staff experience? If so please provide what your role was and where you were staff on:

Yes, I have held Moderator/Administrator on many servers as a teenager, I don't play RSPS as much as I used to however the last server I was Moderator on was LunaPs, for nearly two years.

- Have you been punished on Runesuite or any other forums? If so, then what was your punishment and how have you been since then?

I was market banned in the discord for not completing a GFX order however I completed the order and offered free gfx to compensate for the time, other than that, no.

- What made you choose to apply for Runesuite?

There is a lot of potential with the forums that have been seemingly abandoned for a while now, not to mention the discord is filled with lurking scammers and toxic people that are tarnishing the community each day.

- What are your biggest strengths?

Communication, personability, negotiating, organization and engagement.

- Would you be able to attend any staff meetings?

So long as they are after 5 PM EST I would be able to yes, on the weekends, with the exception of the occasional saturday I have to work, I would be free almost all hours of the day.


I don't have the 20 post requirement however I can manage to shoot through that in a matter of no time!

P.s I could also do any gfx needs for Runesuite free of charge

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[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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