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Everything posted by Galaxy

  1. I prefer a darker theme but having a lighter theme as an option would be great.
  2. @Ace please upload the cache. This is what ive been looking for to start my project but i need the cache. edit: nvm i got it
  3. Galaxy


    welcome to runesoft
  4. Galaxy

    Rick here

    lmao welcome buddy.
  5. your able to do alot of things w/o a map editor if you know where to look.
  6. Galaxy


    I was lead in the PK-leaderboards I played as n0n ranger from v4-v9/2011 then changed my name to sneeze (synthex,runewar,enchanta,hydra,era,osiris)
  7. Galaxy


    welcome. its nice to see familiar faces you may know me as n0n ranger
  8. Galaxy


    hey Josh, Welcome.
  9. Galaxy

    welcome to Runesoft.
  10. The objectivate of this is to take a area and imply water on the ground. This can be done by changing a tiles texture value. I'm releasing because this knowledge could have saved me a lot of time but I couldn't find it anywhere. In ObjectManager search for if(tileX >= 0 && tileX < 104 && tileY >= 0 && tileY < 104) { Add this directly after int absX = (k1 + tileX); int absY = (j + tileY); In the same method you should find something like this if(tileType <= 49) { overLay[tilePlane][tileX][tileY] = stream.readSignedByte(); overlayClippingPaths[tilePlane][tileX][tileY] = (byte)((tileType - 2) / 4); overlayClippingPathRotations[tilePlane][tileX][tileY] = (byte)((tileType - 2) + rotation & 3); } else Before it, we're going to put this. if(absX >= 2679 && absX <= 2684 && absY >= 3714 && absY <= 3718) overLay[tilePlane][tileX][tileY] = 112;
  11. Hello I'm Wiz. This community is amazing


[email protected]


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