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Everything posted by yrFate

  1. as long as you don't touch ruse with a 10 foot pole your better off for it other than that elvarg is great but it's mostly just a framework so its not ideal for someone who isn't prepared to write nearly all of their content. vencillio is the next step up from ruse so i wouldn't really recommend it unless your a total noob or have time to rewrite a lot of the core. apollo is good but much more of a pain to work with than elvarg and basically the same amount of content out of the box. hyperion is old but good to a point. pi is also old and has been through so many hands that its usually not worth the effort to fix up. there's a few new frameworks around that i haven't tried so perhaps one of those will be the next big thing.
  2. yrFate

    Hi i'm Neg

    welcome to the community! overall i wouldn't recommend rsps as a starting point to coding because of the bad habits one can pick up but i guess we all gotta start somewhere right?
  3. welcome good to see some major server owners around.
  4. yrFate

    Hi, Im Yew :)

    hey how are yew? welcome to rsps.
  5. sweet guide helped a ton.
  6. Hello just wondering if anyone around here has a working ItemOnNpc paket for ruse revisions the one i'm working on don't seem to have it setup at all which we found odd and i have also checked 3 other ruse bases that i have and it wasn't there either. So i figured since its not there to rip i would ask around and see if i can get my hands on it elsewhere before just making one. The dev team im on could really make use of it when it comes to making our custom content, especially for a project im working on with crafted armor sets lol. anyway any snippets for this or advise or explanation as to why this seems not to exist on ruse revisions would be appreciated, ill watch this thread for a few days and if it doesn't go anywhere ill probably just make my own attempt when i have the time.
  7. Hi you can call me Fate if you want, Just someone who has a liking for rsps and wants to get a bit more into hardcore development than i have been previously, just as a background about me i have an education in game design and computer science and real life software development and qa experience from some previous employers, currently im self employed and looking to use my time to learn more about rsps and some other unrelated things im interested in so here i am! since this new little forum seems fairly active and friendly unlike some of the existing rsps dev communities i figured i would give it a decent shot. I do have limited experience with rsps mostly just messing around with them and experimenting with stuff on my own time but i have been a volunteer developer on 2 rsps that i was/am also part of the community of. So anyway hai nice to meetcha.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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