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  1. Since the launch of RuneScape 3 there are two versions of RuneScape running simultaneously: RuneScape 3 and Old School RuneScape. At first glance, it seems that having two iterations of the same game might cannibalize the player population. But is this first impression correct? That’s what we’re going to look into today. Not So Old School Old School RuneScape a.k.a RuneScape07 or simply RS07 is a version of the game as it was back in 2007. This date was picked randomly, actually. Jagex team simply found a save file, booted it up, and here – it worked! However, as the title of this paragraph suggests, OSRS is not so OS anymore. Rather, it is a new, updated gamekeeping everything from the 07 era while further building on it. Constant updates mean that the game is maintained and running smoothly and also feels fresh even after years of playing. Populations fluctuate, obviously, but it has more to do with general gaming trends than OSRS itself. Alienated Playerbase RuneScape 3 brought in a ton of changes to the game. The most obvious one being the graphical update of the game, which, unlike previous graphic updates, took a daring step to change the looks of the game completely. Game’s graphics is usually not so important for most players, but the drastic change made it hard to perceive it as the same game everyone fell in love with during the years. Evolution of Combat is another update that had a significant effect. EoC brought in huge changes to how the combat in the game works and moved from simple click-based combat system to a skill-based one. This particular change is really important, since it affects how the game is played, while graphics in most cases can be overlooked. Microtransactions are another big one. This system had its beginnings before RS3, but RS3 firmly established it. Microtransactions in a game of which the majority of content is already behind a subscription-like paywall sound controversial. While it is true that they help to further maintain and develop the game, some players could not get along with the fact that throwing money at the game is not only rewarded with vanity items but can also make character progression faster. This undermined their own achievements. Imagine putting hundreds if not thousands of hours into a game and then later somebody else can achieve the same in the third of the time. Of course, this attitude is not shared amongst everyone, but the amount of players feeling this way is not insignificant. Most players blame Jagex for the downfall of runescape3, because you can buy runescape gold and experience via microtransactions which are disguised are promotional chests and spins. A Niche to be (Re)Filled Let’s get back to the point about both games cannibalizing each other’s population. Truth is that players, who turned away from RS3 for whatever reason were obviously not playing the game. The opposite is true as well: those who enjoyed RS3 continued to play the game. In other words, RS3 and OSRS player base didn’t really overlap. This meant that there was a potential player population Jagex could tap into. This was especially obvious when looking at the popularity of private servers that ran older iterations of the game and constant requests made by players. While being F2P, these servers often sell items, in-game currency, or other services to players for real-world currency. While we’re on the subject, it is worth mentioning that you can purchase OSRS gold for Jagex’s version of the game as well. Jagex can claim that they wanted to fulfill the wish of players to play an older version of the game and thus launched OSRS, however the fact that all that money private servers were making could flow to Jagex instead cannot be ignored. Unlike Blizzard, Jagex had the insight to see the potential of the older iteration of the game rather early and managed to capitalize on it. The former did so only after years of requests and drama. And just like Rs3, Oldschool runescape also has its own problems with real-world trading. Due to high prices of OSRS Gold there has been a huge amount of gold farmers that are playing the game just to sell runescape gold, so most low effort osrs gold making methods are filled with gold farmers OSRS Mobile OSRS Mobile made the game completely cross-platform. Now, you can enjoy your favorite game on-the-go. The launch of OSRS Mobile was a huge success and Jagex witnessed an unprecedented player population boost. As it always happens, the numbers have somewhat dwindled, but they have stabilized at a higher player count than previously. OSRS Mobile did not only bring in new players but also increased current player activity. The best thing about OSRS Mobile is that it is not some watered-down version of the game, but the very same game. You can play with your old character in the same worlds you played on your computer. Imagine being able to train cooking or any other afk skill while chilling with your friends outside without having to use botting software. So in short, yes, OSRS is still popular. Not only that, but it is also more popular than ever before! If you're looking to start playing and get a head-start you can buy OSRS gold and rs3 gold from RS3gold.com
  2. This quest is part of the Fremennik quest series, in this OSRS Mountain Daughter quest you must help the chieftain of the camp who has lost his daughter and will not move on before she has been found. Has she run away, has she been eaten by trolls, or is there something more disturbing going on? Only you can find out. Items and Requirements For The Quest The OSRS Mountain Daughter quest does not have too many requirements, you just need to have 20 Agility and you have to defeat a level 70 monster. Now let’s talk about the items needed for this quest. So the items are staff or a pole (obtainable during the OSRS Mountain Daughter Quest), a pair of gloves which cannot be Slayer, Mystic, Ranger, Moonclan, Lunar, Infinity, or any kind of vambraces, spade, rope, pickaxe, axe, plank. For recommended items: Graceful outfit or other weight-reducing clothing Teleport to White Wolf Mountain (Camelot Teleport) Ring of dueling Combat Gear Ring of Slayer, Fairy ring AJR, Enchanted lyre or Fremennik sea boots to teleport to Rellekka Mountain Camp To start the OSRS Mountain Daughter quest go to the Mountain Camp east of Rellekka and northeast of the Golden Apple Tree. To get to that area, you can use the enchanted lyre and head east, run north from Seers’ Village or use the fairy ring code ajr and then go north a bit. On the path to the Mountain Camp, there is a guard who will not let you pass. Just a bit to the left there is another, narrow path. Follow it, and use your rope on the boulder that says “push boulder” and you will automatically climb down. Follow the path into the village, enter the longhouse to the east, and speak to Hamal the Chieftain to begin the quest. The chieftain tells you about his missing daughter and after much arguing against “employing” an outlander, he eventually allows you to search for her. Head south of Hamal’s house, and take some mud from the bubbling mud pond. If you did not bring a staff, go north of Hamal’s house to Jokul’s place and pick up the pole. Just north of Hamal’s tent are mountain goats, then follow the path leading west along the lake. Follow it until you reach a tall tree, use the mud you have on the tall tree to prevent yourself from slipping. Climb the tall tree, crawl along its branch, and jump down to the little island. Use your pole or staff on to the rocks in the water to vault over them. Then use the plank to cross the flat stone, now you have to listen to the shining pool. To do that click on to the northeast where the bubbles are in the water to speak to the spirit of the chieftain’s daughter Asleif Hamalsdotter, who is dead. She asks you to make peace between her tribe and Rellekka and to also find a new food source for the camp. Return to the Mountain Camp, and talk to Hamal the Chieftain. Ask about the people of Rellekka, and he tells you that he sent a villager named Svidi to initiate a simple trade route, but he hasn’t yet returned. Head to the rockslide that first blocked your entrance to the Mountain Camp. Climb over it, and go into the forest northwest of the rockslide, outside the entrance to Keldagrim. Find Svidi and then speak to him, to find Svidi go to the black unicorns and look for a fast-moving yellow dot on your mini-map between the fence shortcut and the south fence turn. After you see him you must run to catch him. He will tell you he’s afraid of the Fremennik in Rellekka and thinks that they might kill him. Offer to help him enter Rellekka and he will agree if you can secure a promise from the chieftain that he will be safe. Head to Rellekka, and talk to Brundt the Chieftain in the long hall. He will give you a safety and he will guarantee, promising not to hurt Svidi if you can retrieve a relic. Ancient rock that the Mountain Camp tribe stole from Rellekka long ago. Return to the Mountain Camp, and enter the large tent southwest of Hamal the Chieftain. If you want, you can first talk to Hamal, but he refuses to let you have the rock. Use your pickaxe on the Ancient Rock located in the southern tent to get half a rock. Take this back to Rellekka, and talk to Brundt the Chieftain, who will agree to share the rock and give you the guarantee of safe passage. Take the guarantee to Svidi to initiate peace talks between the two tribes. Return to the Mountain Camp and speak with Hamal, and then talk to Jokul, who is in the tent north of Hamal, looking after his mountain goats. He will tell you that he thinks the members of the Mountain Camp could survive if the seed of a White pearl fruit, a hardy plant that can grow anywhere, were planted in the area. Search For A New Food Source Travel to the peak of White Wolf Mountain and look for thorny bushes near the gnome glider. If you have completed The Grand Tree quest, you may use a ring of dueling to teleport to the Duel Arena which is near a gnome glider. Head west from the Duel Arena to the glider, then fly to the mountains. Another way is to use a Camelot Teleport and walk up the mountain. Put on your gloves, pick a White pearl fruit off the thorny bushes and eat it. You will automatically spit out the White pearl seed. Go back to the Mountain Camp and give the White pearl seed to Hamal the Chieftain, who accepts your solution for feeding the tribe. The Kendal After you’ve completed both tasks, go back to the shining pool, and speak to Asleif again. She asks you to convince her father that she is really dead. She was attacked by a creature and dragged off nearby to the north where she was killed. Leave the island and head to the north side of the pool. Follow the path east to a cave blocked by dead trees. Chop down the ones that block your path with an axe until you reach a cave entrance. Enter the cave and make your way to the large cavern. There you will find the Kendal as well as numerous corpses near a central pillar. Talk to Kendal, and when it asks who you are, say, “It’s just me, no one special”, and then “You mean a sacrifice?”. Kendal will tell you that it is the god of the northern lands. Say that he looks like a man in a bear suit, to which he finally admits. After you blow his cover, he also confesses to killing Asleif more than ten years ago. Humbly request her remains, to which he refuses as he cannot let anyone know his true identity. Threaten to kill him, and he’ll attack you. He has 50 hitpoints and a combat level of 70, and all damage can be blocked if you use the Protect from Melee prayer. If you are using Ranged or Magic, you can find a safespot around the skeletons to attack him. Once he dies, a Bearhead mask will appear in your inventory. Take Asleif’s corpse, which lies in the southeastern corner of the pillars, and exit the cave. Cut your way back out of the dead trees and head back to Hamal the Chieftain. Tell him what you learned and show him his daughter’s corpse. Hamal the Chieftain will ask you to give her a proper burial by building a grave on the island at the center of the pool topped with a cairn, symbolizing the longboats used to cross the seas and some of her possessions. He tells you perhaps Ragnar has one of her possessions for you to use. Gather five muddy rocks from around the camp. They respawn quickly, so you can just stand on one until you have all five. See the map on the top for locations. Follow the path up to Ragnar, and speak with him. He gives you Asleif’s necklace, which he had intended to give her as a gift. Climb up the tall tree, pole-vault the clump of rocks, and use the plank on the flat stones to make your way back to the small island. Bury the corpse there, your character will immediately go to the designated burial location. Use the muddy rocks on the burial mound to create Asleif’s burial cairn. Rewards From The OSRS Mountain Daughter OSRS Mountain Daughter 2 Quest points 2,000 Prayer experience 1,000 Attack experience The Bearhead The ability to pass into the Mountain Camp over the rockslide RS3gold.com, as a team of highly demanding and skilled gamers, has specialized in offering various kinds of RS products for years, including gold, account, items, power leveling and more with 24 hour online support. In the past years, we have dealt with millions of orders for hundreds and thousands of customers, building a firm customer base. We sincerely thank each of customers for his/her long term support and trust, and we are striving to keep improving our site and our service to repay all of customers, both old and new.
  3. We kick off February with a clank and a hiss this week as we introduce a round of changes to Mining and Smithing. Forge on for the nitty-gritty details… Mining & Smithing Changes You might have heard about something called the Mining and Smithing Rework that we introduced this time last year. That went down really well, but there were still a few lingering issues that we've been able to address this month. We’re hoping that these changes will make the skills more fun and rewarding for everyone. Mining Mining is now much more reliant on Stamina. Currently, you deal 80% 'damage' to the rock you're mining, even when your Stamina is at zero. After the update, this value will be changed to 20%. You can still restore Stamina by starting to mine the rock again, or by consuming a stone spirit while under the effects of a Perfect Juju Mining Potion. Basically, this means that stone spirits are more useful, and valuable, than they were before. Rocks that don’t reduce Stamina, like red sandstone and Arc crablets, are unaffected by this update. In addition, Seren stones have had their ‘HP’ increased to 2,000, so they will now take more time to mine. The good news is, mining them will no longer consume Stamina. To keep track of your Stamina, try enabling the Stamina Bar in the 'Mining' section of the Gameplay Settings menu. Smithing Back at the forge, we’ve also made some improvements to the way smithable items disassemble into components for Invention. From now on, each bar used to smith an item will be worth four Invention parts or components when you break it down. For example, a 2-handed sword with no upgrades, which costs four bars to create, will give 16 parts or components. In addition, elder rune equipment now has a higher chance of breaking down into components instead of parts. Since this update will massively increase the availability of parts and components, the Breakdown perk’s activation chance has been adjusted down to a flat 0.8% per rank to compensate. These changes to Mining and Smithing will go live on February 3rd. Double XP Weekend: Extended Don’t forget! Double XP Weekend: Extended will be back on February 21st. This time it’s been extended even further, with a whopping 48 hours of Double XP time spread out over 10 days. That means you’ll have ample time to train your skills, walk the dog, learn the cha-cha, and even have a nap. The height of luxury! Simply log in whenever you like between Friday February 21st (12:00 game time) and Monday March 2nd (12:00 game time) to enjoy your skilling boost. As soon as you’re in-game, your XP timer will start ticking, and you can keep track of much Double XP time you have left whenever you need via the interface. Any unused Double XP time will be removed at the end of the event. RS3gold won't keep you waiting, buy your Old School Runescape Gold or buy rs3 gold with Fast Delivery! Your adventure and excitement lies ahead of you. Having Runescape Gold for sale, we're always stocked and delivered as fast as possible!
  4. I am very glad to meet everyone, I am new here, I hope everyone will take care of them in the future.




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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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