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Everything posted by barshar

  1. barshar


  2. sweet, will love to toy with it
  3. barshar


    welcome! pyro thats because 10 years ago most kids were around 10-15 years old, and playing the good ol original 07 runescape. but now we are all grown up
  4. welcome to the server! i wish you luck in creating that DMM server, hope it goes well!
  5. barshar


    welcome jess, not sure what your intro refers to :X
  6. welcome! have a discord? would love to join the server and see progress ?
  7. greetings to you as well, but probably posted in wrong section, as this is for intros.
  8. barshar


    welcome to the forum, am majoring in c++ atm myself. nice to meet ya!
  9. welcome thanks for joining
  10. barshar


    are we eating chicken eggs or easter eggs, which we'll turn into bunnies from?
  11. barshar


    im doing the same, hopefully we made the right stop!
  12. i agree with zyzuh. haha, but welcome to the forum
  13. barshar


    Lol what a name, but welcome.
  14. hi max, i do the same thing! would love to learn coding for my own entertainment as well. would maybe like to implement a ton of quests one day aha.
  15. barshar


    Hello, Call me barshar or bars. I have known of RSPS since frugooscape way back when, maybe around 2007. Miss the old days of allstarscape as well. I used to be a mod on 3 different servers, but now I just wish to learn to code for my own entertainment, and nostalgia. I play these out of my own joy, so i only play locally with different sources to see how the content is. Hope to make new friends, or teachers. -Barshar


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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