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Everything posted by Tiller

  1. Tiller


    welcome vati
  2. I know there are some dupe issues, client freezing issues, etc. easy fixes.
  3. Not sure since Lost-Isle was taken down, i can’t really see their progress.
  4. Lost-Isle uses a OSRS Deob of whatever revision, but this is loading 150. It's a little buggy, but has somewhat potential in my eyes. Some Unique features: Motherlode Mine Start of Raids Full OSRS Farming ETC. Media: Download: Package (recently updated link) You need MongoDB to run the server, look at this thread for a quick guide:
  5. Simple blank server working with a 86 OSRS Deob loading 118+ data. Added slayer tasks, some shops, and OSRS Npc spawns. Media: Download: Package
  6. turns out it’s lost isle w 129 data. i found it
  7. Not sure if this forum is still all about leaks, etc. but if anyone knows what this base is and if you could provide me with it. i’ll give you a big kiss.
  8. Tiller


    welcome to the forum brandon, glad to have you.
  9. @Ace where’s my veteran status ;)

    1. acesucks


      msg me on skype

    2. Mathy


      Error 404: Vet status still not found

    3. Tiller
  10. Tiller


    Nvm i thought the accounts didn't transfer. Good to be back tho.
  11. just go find a job irl
  12. Sounds like you want to be spoon-fed
  13. There are plenty of tutorials, you'll never learn by having people spoon-feed you.
  14. Adding items isn't hard, you can either pack them into the cache or do it by putting it in a "raw" folder. Then just go to ItemDef.java and use the correct ints.
  15. HQYGK-4HC7M-YYFWC-KPTW9-MXGYZ first come first serve.
  16. Hey guys my name is Austin, i am 19 years old, & im from the United States. Last time i made one i had an alias since i didn't want to ruin my rep but i don't give a fuck anymore. there ya go
  17. rollet dis by myself. i lyke reggie. (i'm also not a fucking skid. no one really gives two shits if you smoke.)
  18. Got some things I need to take care of.. Won't be on here much except from time to time. :/

  19. Tiller


    Then you're welcome I guess.
  20. My first ever server.. The nostalgia, had a max of 15 players only but I didn't care. Most fun i've ever had tbh. [Hidden Content]



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