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Everything posted by badboijx

  1. thank you very much man appreciate it all for some reason it wasnt allowing me to see rest of content with the sent reply i sent earlier
  2. thank you very much for everything and have fun on your journeys
  3. badboijx

    Vortex-Ps Package

    well cant really see the pics or anything but much apprctiate the links and everything
  4. looks good thank you for the posts and for the links!
  5. have to apparently respond to 20+ posts or post some topics?
  6. badboijx

    No idea.

    u need to delete the old cache from your program files in your computer storage program files or user program files and re upload or manully put the cache there
  7. not understanding teh question if you have a old rsps look for @red@ or @gre@ or if u have lil newer u wanna find shad and change the numbers
  8. so i have a 317 pi old source im trying to learn on and for some reason its not working so in my curse notepad i have in clicking buttons to click button activate prayer and in there i have this code but isnt working headIcon = true; for(int p = 6; p < 19; p++) { if(i != p && p != 10 && p != 11 && p != 10 && p != 12 && p != 13 && p != 14 && p != 15 && p != 16) { c.curseActive[p] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.CURSE_GLOW[p], 0); } } break;
  9. what kinds of errors its not showing anything
  10. isnt allowing me to download jack poop
  11. badboijx


    well hopefullly everything is working out for you so far and you are achieveing what is needed
  12. same here ive been at it for a little while now lol i hope you get to your 27 words or lettters lol
  13. hello everyone! im here starting off another adventure on my rsps search and creation just trying to keep updated on some stuff here on this website!


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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