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Everything posted by pwnt

  1. I'm also trying to figure this one out. Did you get anywhere?
  2. Thanks for this I'm going to try it .
  3. pwnt


    Welcome to the forums! You are going to enjoy the resources here about java!
  4. pwnt

    My intro

    Welcome to the forum! That was a very in depth intro, I liked it! You have some good experience and I'm looking forward to seeing some content posted from you!
  5. Welcome to the forum! I'm here to learn new things as well, and this looks like a very promising place to do that!
  6. Welcome to the forum! You have good intentions to starting your own private server. You may find a source that has working zul in it, but you may also want to consider learning some basic java if you plan on working out any bugs some of the previous developers left in.
  7. pwnt


    Hey! Welcome to the forums! I'm looking to start an RSPS as well so I figured I'd join a few communities. I'm using the good old tried and true Shard Revolutions as my base! It will take a lot of work to develop content, but I'm up to the challenge.
  8. pwnt


    Welcome to the forum! You shouldn't see it as being forced into, look at it as a way to say hello to the community already here!
  9. Welcome to the forum! That's great to hear you plan to start contributing! Do you have any areas of expertise?
  10. Welcome to the forum! I'm new here as well. How are you doing being held up in quarantine?
  11. pwnt

    First post

    This is my introduction to the website! I haven't heard much about it and still need to look around.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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