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Everything posted by Bandos

  1. ima try this one. Heard its good for starters
  2. Ima give this a try, hopefully it works
  3. Let's check this source out. I think i've seen a few servers using this
  4. Nice work man! you might wanna update the pictures tho, they do not show up anymore.
  5. Nice work. Not sure i'll ever need a launcher, but if I do I might use this one!
  6. Looks muy nice! I might use this if i start my own server!
  7. Nice work you did there! Do you plan on releasing the quest to the public sometime?
  8. Why can't I reply to the source downloads? Do I need 10 posts for that too?
  9. Bandos


    Hey there, I'm Bandos. I joined this community bcs the likes of other rsps communities seem to be pretty dead. I'd like to start on my own custom rsps


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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