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Everything posted by AES256

  1. Thanks for sharing this
  2. AES256

    Norse Sql Files

    Thank you for sharing this.
  3. Thanks for sharing this
  4. AES256

    Ferox 206

    Thanks for sharing this
  5. AES256

    Fluxious - HD - #200

    Thanks for sharing
  6. AES256

    Sinhaza #185 Package

    Be sure to check the shop prices on this, there is a dupe in the sinhaza source with the merchant in edgeville on certain items. Raids grub room multiplies points when adding grubs rather than adding them so you'll need to fix that so people dont dump for 200k points in the room. And the tournament is bugged allowing you to smuggle items out, so add checks on the interface for it. IIRC you would open logout or try to tele and get the interface option prior to going in, then once in a match you would complete the action to smuggle the items out.
  7. Another great release, thanks Jack


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