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doggyg last won the day on September 16 2017

doggyg had the most liked content!

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  1. doesn't contain the highscores it seems
  2. I believe there might be a problem with tree textures in hd that I couldn't figure out.
  3. I'm guessing you're talking about that one that is osrs and not that old ass one that's based on delta right?
  4. doggyg


    Guys. This is the real kevy. He has come to find out the plans to overthrow him.
  5. Make sure you choose run as applet and client as main class
  6. Hi homework. I do homework for a price. Pm me if you need some done.
  7. Welcome to the community. Think you could build me a house for free?
  8. doggyg

    Hi, I'm New

    Nice to meet you habibi
  9. doggyg


    Welcome to the community
  10. Welcome to the community Mr. Begainner . Maybe we can get some gains together. Maybe even some vegan gains.
  11. doggyg


    Welcome to the community
  12. I was trying to look up more and some people were saying short task was a scam so maybe don't register to them.
  13. doggyg

    NEW Intro

    Apparently this dexter morgan guy decided to one up me in my intro. So, I'm going to post a new one. Here goes.. Good morning my fellow creatures of Earth. I am your new lord and master. For centuries we may have been forgotten, but believe me you worshiped us before the great war between the cats in which we sadly loss in Egypt, but we have overtaken the world now! Oh and none of that stuff about there being less dogs lovers than cat lovers is true! Believe me! I am a dog after all. I should know. Now let me tell you guys how this is going to work. As you may know, dogs operate on loyalty. So this means we will have a system setup between you and me in which you must do everything I say and follow me faithfully. If you do not, you will be punished. This is the law of the dogma. Also, we happen to be rather trusting of humans(the opposite of our cat counterpart), so if you don't mind... Try not to betray your fellow Earth creature okay? [Hidden Content] Is all paid by cat politicians. Its racism I tell you! For some reason they won't let a dog in office. They let that cat be mayor in Alaska, but no dog? why :'(
  14. doggyg


    I don't believe so but its not hard to add sound support based on map coords(if you're talking about music) except if you want full osrs sounds then you will need to dump the new sounds(same with hitting and stuff).
  15. doggyg

    Hi I'm new

    Welcome to the forums. I would say it would be better to open a post under [Hidden Content] with some information about the server than to post it under introductions. Make sure to copy your post before clicking post though, there appears to be an error in posting topics.



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