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Dexter Morgan

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    Universe, collective consciousness. Born on Earth.

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  1. Greetings there humans of all different perspectives on reality. My name birth name is unnecessary. I'm known as Dexter, but you can call me Dexter. I'm an enlightened human. I know the origin of life and existence as well as what happens after what you people would call "death". No, I'm 100% not religious. I'm awaken, on the path to enlightenment. I can share the truth because we are all one, but can you handle the truth? I'm 21. In England. I have known Ace for about 4 years now. I programmed for him for about a year. Amazing person with a beautiful heart. I love Ace as a brother. Ace has always been the best to me, but few years ago I wasn't the best myself. I remember letting Ace down couple of times when things got a bit harder with the server.. I was a fool back then. I would like to apologise to Ace. I have forgiven myself and accepted the past. I do not regret it, regretting it means I haven't learned my lesson. I learned a good lesson. Love people and use material. Don't use people and love material. Peace and love.



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