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Everything posted by Wonda

  1. Wonda

    10!!! :D

    ... Did you really post that in the introduction section, bro? _ Oh Em Gee I'm a steel warrior now!
  2. Wonda

    Yo so..

    Omg that's what I'm here to do also!
  3. Ah, I definitely did not know that. Deviousmud. Going to google the hell out of that 😆 __ Ah, did you know in DeviousMUD's project, these were some possible implementations in skills? It's mostly unknown if this is true though. Check out DeviousMUD's fandom here
  4. Oof, I definitely have a few fave's. Mining, Smithing, Fletching & Slayer. I although do prefer slayer, as there's HUGE GP to be made from that.
  5. Yeah, all I've come here for is to learn about the RSPS scene, more for learning Java etc. My knowledge is next to nothing, and I'm unknown here but I'm learning something new every day.



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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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