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Everything posted by gvs

  1. gvs

    Decimate - Ruse Custom

    Cool to see, done with Ruse though
  2. gvs

    Ferox 215

    What are the coordinates for those areas? And thanks for the post
  3. gvs

    Xeros 214

    Thanks for this
  4. Nice maybe there's something I could use here
  5. Nice i have been working on a xeros base
  6. gvs

    New here

    Welcome, if you have questions you can always ask the discord server too
  7. In Slayer.java add this to the top of method public void handleSlayerTaskDeath(boolean giveXp) if(slayerTask.getTaskMaster() == SlayerMaster.KRYSTILIA) if(player.getLocation() != Location.WILDERNESS) { player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You must be in the wilderness to obtain credit for Krystilia's slayer tasks."); return; } In SlayerDialogues.java add Krystilia to method public static Dialogue totalPointsReceived(final Player player) @Override public String[] dialogue() { int pointsReceived = 0; if(player.getSlayer().getSlayerMaster() == SlayerMaster.DURADEL) pointsReceived = 5; else if(player.getSlayer().getSlayerMaster() == SlayerMaster.KURADEL) pointsReceived = 15; else if(player.getSlayer().getSlayerMaster() == SlayerMaster.SUMONA) pointsReceived = 20; else if(player.getSlayer().getSlayerMaster() == SlayerMaster.KRYSTILIA) pointsReceived = 30; int per5 = pointsReceived * 3; int per10 = pointsReceived * 5; return new String[] { "You currently receive "+pointsReceived+" points per task,", ""+per5+" bonus points per 5 task-streak and", ""+per10+" bonus points per 10 task-streak." }; } In enum SlayerTasks you can start to add the monsters that should be assigned by Krystilia underneath the elite tasks //Elite GENERAL_GRAARDOR(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 6260, "General Graardor can be found in the Godwars Dungeon.", 15000, new Position(2863, 5354, 2)), TORMENTED_DEMON(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 8349, "Tormented Demons can be found using the Boss teleport.", 12000, new Position(2602, 5713)), KING_BLACK_DRAGON(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 50, "The King Black Dragon can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(2273, 4680, 1)), DAGANNOTH_SUPREME(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 2881, "The Dagannoth Kings can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(1908, 4367)), DAGANNOTH_REX(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 2883, "The Dagannoth Kings can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(1908, 4367)), DAGANNOTH_PRIME(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 2882, "The Dagannoth Kings can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(1908, 4367)), CHAOS_ELEMENTAL(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 3200, "The Chaos Elemental can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(3285, 3921)), SLASH_BASH(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 2060, "Slash Bash can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(2547, 9448)), KALPHITE_QUEEN(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 1160, "The Kalphite Queen can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(3476, 9502)), PHOENIX(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 8549, "The Phoenix can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(2839, 9557)), BANDOS_AVATAR(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 4540, "The Bandos Avatar can be found using the Boss teleport.", 30000, new Position(2891, 4767)), CERBERUS(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 1999, "Cerberus can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(1240, 1240)), ABYSSAL_SIRE(SlayerMaster.SUMONA, 5886, "Abyssal Sire can be found using the Boss teleport.", 15000, new Position(3036, 3677)), //Wilderness GREEN_DRAGON(SlayerMaster.KRYSTILIA, 941, "Green Dragons can be found in western Wilderness.", 2500, new Position(2977, 3615)), ICE_GIANT(SlayerMaster.KRYSTILIA, 111, "Can be found in the Ice plateau.", 2000, new Position(3036, 3677)), ICE_WARRIOR(SlayerMaster.KRYSTILIA, 125, "Can be found in the Ice plateau.", 2000, new Position(3036, 3677)); Now you need an npc named Krystilia. In the client now, In class NPCdef add this to the list of cases in switch (i) case 2005: npc.name = "Krystilia"; npc.actions = new String[]{"Talk-to", null, "Get-task", "Trade", "Rewards"}; break; In dialogues.json replace id 62 with { "id": 62, "type": "OPTION", "lines": 5, "line1": "Vannaka (No requirement)", "line2": "Duradel (Level 50 Slayer Required)", "line3": "Kuradel (Level 80 Slayer Required)", "line4": "Sumona (Level 92 Slayer Required) (Boss tasks only)", "line5": "Krystilia (No requirement, Wilderness only)", "next": -1, "npcId": -1 }, In class NPCOptionPacketListener: The followiing 4 methods need Krystilia's id added to switch(npc.getId()); So for each add case 2005: private static void firstClick(Player player, Packet packet) { public void handleSecondClick(Player player, Packet packet) { public void handleThirdClick(Player player, Packet packet) { public void handleFourthClick(Player player, Packet packet) { case 1597: case 9085: case 8275: case 7780: case 2005: Lastly, go to enum SlayerMaster and Krystilia to the list of other masters VANNAKA(1, 1597, new Position(3145, 9912)), DURADEL(50, 8275, new Position(2787, 3064)), KURADEL(80, 9085, new Position(1748, 5326)), SUMONA(91, 7780, new Position(3068, 3518)), KRYSTILIA(1, 2005, new Position(3110, 3514));
  8. Cool do you know how to obtain the XTEA json file?
  9. The Ruse combat system is just not what i'm looking for.
  10. Okay, and the RSPSi.jar should also be on the desktop?
  11. @Token The plugins don't appear in the inactive or active columns when I load it up, suggestions?
  12. Not sure how i posted this twice. This contribution saved me a lot of time thank you!


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