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Teleport names and adding descriptions


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Difficulty: 1/10
Tested on: Project Insanity
Classes modified: PlayerAssistant.java

Start off by opening your PlayerAssistant.java class. Then search for:

public void handleLoginText() {

You will notice a bunch of codes. So let me explain.

c.getPA().sendFrame126("Monster Teleport", 1300);

What this code does is that it goes to the Client class, then get's the sendFrame method from the PlayerAssistant class, then sends a frame to the server to the assigned ID and changes it's text.

If you played the PI base, you'll notice that in the modern spellbook, they have a teleport called "Monster Teleport", right? The ID used here (1300) is the name of the Varrock teleport, so this code changes the normal "Level 20: Varrock Teleport" to the text you wish it to be, in this case "Monster Teleport".

So it's like this:

c.getPA().sendFrame126("Your text here", #sendFrame ID#);

It's not only limited to spells and teleports though. You could change the text of any interfaces using this code, as long as you know the correct ID.

Here is the full list of modern and ancients teleports, simply replace the old ones with these and edit edit them to the names and decription you want it to be:

		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1300); //varrock
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1301); //varrock description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1325); //lumbridge
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1326); //lumbridge description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1350); //falador
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1351); //falador description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1382); //camelot
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1383); //camelot description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1415);	//ardougne
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1416); //ardougne description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 1454); //watchtower
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 1455); //watchtower description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 7457); //trollheim
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 7458); //trollheim description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 18472);	//ape atoll
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 18473); //ape atoll description

		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13037); //paddewwa
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Monster Teleport", 13038); //paddewwa description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13047); //senntisten
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13048); //senntisten description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13055); //kharyll
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13056); //kharyll description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13063); //lassar
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13064); //lassar description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13071); //dareeyak
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13072); //dareeyak description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13081); //carrallanger
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13082); //carralanger description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13089); //annakarl
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13090); //annakarl description
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Teleport name", 13097); //ghorrock
		c.getPA().sendFrame126("Description", 13098); //ghorrock description

So now you know how to edit the texts on existing and new interfaces! Enjoy!

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