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  1. Thanks for the release, i appreciate it. Link for server is [Hidden Content] They left a trailing /admin/ which regular users can't access.
  2. Yes, creating the tables did work, thank you.
  3. I couldn't find it anywhere in the release. I can get in game, but none of the animations work. But that could also be related to something else i'm doing wrong. Any idea why everything but animations would work?
  4. ArmBandito

    Valius - 2020

    wanna check this out, thanks for the post man
  5. thanks for the post man i appreciate it
  6. Hey Guys i got the below server loaded via a bunch of modifications. However the provided files don't seem to come with "blurite_data2\nData\dModels\anim\frames.dat" and "blurite_data2\nData\dModels\anim\skinlist.dat". So i can get in game now but no animations. Anyone know where i can get these files?
  7. Okay i got everything loaded via a bunch of modifications. However the provided files don't seem to come with "blurite_data2\nData\dModels\anim\frames.dat" and "blurite_data2\nData\dModels\anim\skinlist.dat". So i can get in game now but no animations. Anyone know where i can get these files?
  8. Hey guys this may be a dumb question but i got the below server code and i'm trying to start it up, it errored on a mysql database so i installed that but obviously that's a blank DB. Am i missing something with this release or is there a default db to load or something?
  9. Thanks man i appreciate it, i hope i can get it working
  10. Errored on a mysql database so i installed that but obviously that's a blank DB. Am i missing something with this release or is there a default db to load or something?
  11. Thanks dude i hated that popup, it was very annoying



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