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Are RSPS' still as popular as they used to be?


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rsps nowadays they replicated the original game so why should i play rsps if its the same with the original game? people came to rsps to chill and enjoy not to grind like original game is.. zzzz ill go with semi custom not interns of weapon but custom features..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/4/2019 at 8:26 PM, OG Zen said:

rsps nowadays they replicated the original game so why should i play rsps if its the same with the original game? people came to rsps to chill and enjoy not to grind like original game is.. zzzz ill go with semi custom not interns of weapon but custom features..


Gotta go back to those old school rsps ;) thats where its at.

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While the scene has shown diminished interest over the years since its prime-time, there is still tens of thousands of players and far over a million dollars in revenue a year collectively. My opinion on this topic is - do you still enjoy RSPS? No? Then don't play - Yes? Then go enjoy them, there's tons to choose from. It will always be a niche community. RSPS has come so far and it's really exciting to watch - seeing how much some individuals have learned and what they've built. Who would've thought when we were 13 and running a server 10 years later you'd be doing the same thing on the side but under a business model and monetized? 

As long as mine can generate enough revenue to cover its monthly expenses, I will never shut it down. 99% of people running RSPS are doing it solely for the purpose of making money; profiting - that motivation can be damaging in my opinion. I launched mine because I love the 718 era - it was my all time favorite but no 718 online was how I remembered it - it just wasn't the same or they were poorly developed. So I set out to build the best one and today I am very proud of what we've accomplished. I never expected what I got out of it, and it's been a fun and exciting adventure thus far.

So as long as YOU personally can still enjoy playing them, developing them, doing whatever it is you do with it - why stop?

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  • 1 month later...

they definitely are still on the rise. It's been a huge up and down rollercoaster throughout the last 10+ years but yeah like a few have said a good part of it dying off in moments is probably partially due to all the dl and host servers, a lot of servers out like that with 0 uniqueness or work done to them, and then there's those other servers out there where someone got some base, put in 1000s of hours of work, and made themself something great and enjoyable and unique, that's whats helping to keep the rsps community growing. So thanks to everyone out there that is putting in all that work and learning and having fun with it :) cheers!

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