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RSPS Experience Rate Opinions


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What do you guys think a ideal experience rate for a server? wondering what others think about the discussion me and my friend had.
I myself love the lower experience rates/drop rates so things feel a tad more rewarding, My friend on the otherhand feels like if your going to do the grind it may aswell be official, 
How many Hours/Days/Weeks do you guys feel it should take realisticly to achieve 99 attack, Stength, Defence, Hitpoints? I feel any 99 should take atleast a week myself or it doesnt feel rewarding, everyone is running around at max level

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Overall so many servers offer so many different rates. I've noticed people like to grind a bit more on RSPS as opposed to years past. I like XP rate ranges such as x10, & x50

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I both love the challenge of low xp rates that offer some bonuses when picked and also the high rates because you can get into content easier. My experience is that players often pick easy xp rates and grind content, but might make an alt for ironmanning or to get a new challenge :P

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I prefer servers that usually offer between 5-10x exp rates, I feel like any lower is kind of not worth it unless it offers an increase in drop rates or some other incentive.

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