Fosh 2 Posted June 14, 2020 Report Share Posted June 14, 2020 Going to check this out thanks! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hostile 0 Posted June 14, 2020 Report Share Posted June 14, 2020 Interested to take a look into this. Thanks for the upload. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asxasx 0 Posted June 18, 2020 Report Share Posted June 18, 2020 looks good thanks of uploading mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreshLynx 0 Posted June 23, 2020 Report Share Posted June 23, 2020 thanks for the release man really appreciate it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGoddd 1 Posted June 24, 2020 Report Share Posted June 24, 2020 Gonna check it out Thanks mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrcastiel 1,951 Posted June 26, 2020 Report Share Posted June 26, 2020 lets seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deaneo88 944 Posted June 30, 2020 Report Share Posted June 30, 2020 guys u do know they fixed copy of this and update copy of this now on rune server Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norsegotgods 0 Posted July 1, 2020 Report Share Posted July 1, 2020 Now that's a lot of content to work with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prowess 1 Posted November 3, 2021 Report Share Posted November 3, 2021 holy shiet pawg was looking for this ty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scean4 11 Posted November 8, 2021 Report Share Posted November 8, 2021 On 4/14/2020 at 8:23 AM, RuneArchive said: -Hydra's -Chambers of Xeric -Inferno Boss fight in this release is roughly 90% -All TOB weapons -Some combat changes / rework -New Custom UI to somewhat mimic OSRS (tabs)-New Interface: -Teleport tab was added for QoL purposes -Edited player names above head to look more appealing -Fixed a bug with Zulrah -Fixed total levels not accumulating properly, now displays correctly -Removed old clunky commands -Added commands for all web related things forums, votes, highscores, etc. -Added new items to the starter kits upon login for each game mode -Created a new interface for choosing your game mode -Improved equipment switching -Implemented experience rates for beta -Various QoL updates -Added various minimap icons, including the unique home area -Total level now displays correctly, missed updating method when construction was added -Staff ranks get corresponding crowns on their player names to make it easier to find staff members. -Overhead player names will be toggle-able for players who wish to turn it off -Added a tutorial for new players -Removed the 24 hour wait period before you can begin staking -Revenant Cave agility shortcuts now require an agility level before you can use them. -Corrected the elf warrior teleport, it now takes you to the correct location. -The lumbridge teleport will now actually take you to lumbridge. -Moved slayer masters from edgeville to home. -Removed most of the edgeville shop NPC's, they are now located at home. -Removed the Emblem trader from home, he will remain in edgeville near the wilderness. -Fixed a bug where Abberant Spectres were not counting towards slayer task. -Removed all NPC's on bobs island, not sure what we will do with this area yet. -Updated cost of enchantment tabs in the magic shop. -Added more NPC's to home, including an iron man shop and a general store. -Moved the location of some NPC's around home. -Grace is now located at the Gnome agility course. -Bob Barter will now decant your potions at home. -Decreased the amount of slayer points required to learn Superiors and Cerberus -Decreased the number of Jads that could be assigned for a slayer task, it will now choose a random number between 1-20, down from 1-50. -Taverly dungeon enterance/exit now works as intended -The ice dungeon in Port Sarim will now take you to the proper place. Bug would take you to taverly dungeon. -Decreased amount of slayer monsters given per task. -The castle wars portal at clan wars will now take you to castle wars. -Added a teleport outside the revenant cave enterance (43 Wild) -Added a teleport to Draynor Village -Fixed a few mispelled words -Fixed clipping at home, can no longer noclip through walls / objs (test more please) -Set the "Cannot drop in combat rule" to only be active in the wilderness -Yell; Anyone can now yell if the player count is below 25 -Fixed two broken links within client, forums and vote. -Firemaking and fletching now work as intended. -Fixed a big old bug causing player to be attacked infinitely -Donor shop (online and in game) worked on - Email is hooked -Fixed gem prices, cut gems will now sell for less than uncut. -Updated Gargoyle slayer xp, was too low. -Edgeville Dungeon ladder now takes you to the correct location -Karamja teleport no longer takes you to shilo village -Fixed the dialouge when creating an infernal pickaxe/axe. -The portal at bobs island now takes you to home -Updated Ardougne Achievement diary to clarify that some achievements have to be done in ardougne. -You can now pickpocket master farmers and also complete the ardougne medium task. -Lowered required times to pickpocket master farmer for ardy task to 80 -Created donation scrolls -Fixed donator shop second click -Made donor scrolls stackable -Friends now show up in green for player names. -Darklight can now be obtained through a Desert Diary task (Killing the shadow of the storm) -Arclight can now be created using a darklight and 3 ancient shards -Black Demons no longer count towards the boss slayer achievement -Fixed Crafting Skill Cape teleport -Anti-Venom is now made with the 4 dose antidote++, to match the rest of herblore potion creation. -Updated thieving stalls xp, they now scale correctly. -Elder Maul now has the correct attack styles -Scythe of Vitur is now actually a 2 handed weapon, sorry brandon. -Amethyst Veins now correctly deplete -Fixed an issue with barbarian agility course wall objects not giving xp if standing in a certain area. -Fixed multi barrage XP drop spam issue -Edited and perfected Inferno map - Game entrance zone -Added Animated Black armor support to Warriors guild - All to OSRS standards. -Fixed players walking away once they add the armor to the Magical Animator -Reviewed the Items kept on death dupe - believe it is resolved. (was only occuring on defenders) -Updated Lands end with various shops and fishing area's. -Removed Skillers Cove -Placed cave horrors in their correct location, there is a teleport for them as well. -Added a city teleport to Kourend. -Polishing Hunter (Work in Progress). Replaced some animations to be the correct ones. -Hydra combat is now 90% (Posion spec needs some work). -Started work on a ZMI Altar for runecrafting, giving more options than just the Abyss. -Updated some of the shops (Still a work in progress) -You can now dismantle magic fangs, tanzanite fangs, uncharged blow pipes, serp visage, and uncharged serp helms for 20k Zulrah scales. -Falador, Desert, Western, Wilderness, and Lumbridge Diaries are all now fully functional. -Various other small bug fixes! Download Link: Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. Media: Reveal hidden contents This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
soulcist 0 Posted November 18, 2021 Report Share Posted November 18, 2021 looks dope is link dead? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimslimdim 4 Posted November 22, 2021 Report Share Posted November 22, 2021 looks good thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kourage 0 Posted December 2, 2021 Report Share Posted December 2, 2021 sick, thanks for this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wyrmrush 134 Posted December 4, 2021 Report Share Posted December 4, 2021 On 14/4/2020 at 9:23, RuneArchive said: -Hydra -Cámaras de Xeric -Inferno Boss pelea en esta versión es aproximadamente del 90% -Todas las armas TOB -Algunos cambios de combate / reelaboración -Nueva interfaz de usuario personalizada para imitar algo a OSRS (pestañas) -Nueva interfaz: -Se agregó la pestaña Teleport para fines de calidad de vida -Se editaron los nombres de los jugadores en la parte superior para que parezcan más atractivos -Se corrigió un error con Zulrah -Se corrigió el total de niveles que no se acumulaban correctamente, ahora se muestra correctamente -Eliminaron los viejos comandos torpes -Se agregaron comandos para todos los foros de cosas relacionadas con la web, votos, puntuaciones más altas , etc. -Añadido nuevos elementos en los kits de inicio al iniciar sesión para cada modo de juego -Creé una nueva interfaz para elegir el modo de juego -Mejora el cambio de equipoTasas de experiencia -Implemented para la beta -Varios CdV actualiza varios iconos del minimapa -Añadido, incluyendo la única zona de origen nivel -Total ahora muestra correctamente, el método de actualización se perdió cuando se añadió la construcción filas -Los empleados consiguen coronas en sus nombres de los jugadores correspondientes para que sea más fácil para encontrar miembros del personal. -Los nombres de los jugadores de overhead se podrán alternar para los jugadores que deseen apagarlo -Añadido un tutorial para nuevos jugadores -Eliminado el período de espera de 24 horas antes de que puedas comenzar a apostar -Los atajos de agilidad de Revenant Cave ahora requieren un nivel de agilidad antes de que puedas usar ellos. -Corregido el teletransporte del guerrero elfo, ahora te lleva a la ubicación correcta.-El teletransporte de Lumbridge ahora te llevará a Lumbridge. -Movidos amos de los cazadores de edgeville a casa. -Se eliminaron la mayoría de los NPC de la tienda de edgeville, ahora están ubicados en casa. -Eliminado el comerciante de emblemas de su casa, permanecerá en edgeville cerca del desierto. -Se corrigió un error por el cual los Espectros Abberant no contaban para la tarea del asesino. -Se eliminaron todos los NPC en la isla de Bobs, todavía no estoy seguro de qué haremos con esta área. -Actualizado el costo de las pestañas de encantamiento en la tienda de magia. -Se agregaron más NPC a casa, incluida una tienda de iron man y una tienda general. -Se movió la ubicación de algunos NPC en casa. -Grace ahora se encuentra en el curso de agilidad de Gnome. -Bob Barter ahora decantará tus pociones en casa.-Disminuyó la cantidad de puntos de asesino requeridos para aprender Superiores y Cerberus -Disminuyó el número de Jads que podrían asignarse para una tarea de asesino, ahora elegirá un número aleatorio entre 1-20, en lugar de 1-50. -La entrada / salida de la mazmorra de Taverly ahora funciona según lo previsto -La mazmorra de hielo en Port Sarim ahora te llevará al lugar adecuado. Bug te llevaría a una mazmorra taverly. -Disminución de la cantidad de monstruos asesinos por tarea. -El portal de las guerras de castillos en las guerras de clanes ahora te llevará a las guerras de castillos. -Añadido un teletransporte fuera de la entrada de la cueva del renacido (43 Wild) -Añadido un teletransporte a Draynor Village -Arreglado algunas palabras mal escritas-Establece la regla "No se puede soltar en combate" para que solo esté activo en el desierto -Yell; Cualquiera puede gritar ahora si el recuento de jugadores es inferior a 25 - Se corrigieron dos enlaces rotos dentro del cliente, foros y voto. -El fuego y el emplumado ahora funcionan según lo previsto. -Arreglado un error grande que causaba que el jugador fuera atacado infinitamente -Tienda de donantes (en línea y en el juego) trabajado en - El correo electrónico está enganchado -Precios fijos de gemas, las gemas cortadas ahora se venderán por menos que sin cortar. -Actualizado Gargoyle slayer xp, era demasiado bajo. -La escalera de la mazmorra de Edgeville ahora te lleva a la ubicación correcta. -El teletransporte de Karamja ya no te lleva a la aldea de Shilo. -Arreglado el dialouge al crear un pico / hacha infernal. -El portal en la isla de bobs ahora te lleva a casa-Actualizado el diario de logros de Ardougne para aclarar que algunos logros deben realizarse en ardougne. -Ahora puede carteristas maestros granjeros y también completar la tarea media ardougne. -Se redujeron los tiempos requeridos para robar al granjero maestro para una tarea ardua a 80 -Creado pergaminos de donación -Se corrigió el segundo clic en la compra del donante -Los pergaminos del donante se pueden apilar -Ahora los amigos se muestran en verde para los nombres de los jugadores. -Darklight ahora se puede obtener a través de una tarea del Desert Diary (Matar a la sombra de la tormenta) -Arclight ahora se puede crear usando una luz oscura y 3 fragmentos antiguos -Los demonios negros ya no cuentan para el logro de cazador de jefes -Arreglado el teletransporte de capa de habilidad de artesanía-Anti-Venom ahora está hecho con el antídoto de 4 dosis ++, para que coincida con el resto de la creación de la poción herblore. -Actualizados puestos de robo xp, ahora escalan correctamente. -Elder Maul ahora tiene los estilos de ataque correctos -Scythe of Vitur ahora es en realidad un arma de 2 manos, lo siento Brandon. -Las venas amatistas ahora se agotan correctamente -Se solucionó un problema con los objetos de la pared del curso de agilidad bárbaro que no daban xp si estaban parados en un área determinada. -Arreglado el problema del spam de caída de XP de múltiples bombardeos -Mapa Inferno editado y perfeccionado - Zona de entrada del juego -Añadido soporte de armadura negra animada al gremio de Guerreros - Todo según los estándares OSRS. -Arreglados los jugadores que se alejaban una vez que agregaban la armadura al Animador Mágico-Revisó los artículos guardados en el engaño de la muerte: creo que está resuelto. (solo ocurría en los defensores) -Actualizado Lands terminan con varias tiendas y áreas de pesca. -Eliminada Skillers Cove -Colocó los horrores de la cueva en su ubicación correcta, también hay un teletransporte para ellos. -Añadido un teletransporte de ciudad a Kourend. -Pulido Hunter (Trabajo en progreso). Se reemplazaron algunas animaciones para que fueran las correctas. -Hydra combat ahora es del 90% (la especificación de Posion necesita algo de trabajo). -Comenzó a trabajar en un Altar ZMI para la creación de runas, lo que brinda más opciones que solo el Abismo. -Actualizado algunas de las tiendas (todavía un trabajo en progreso)-Ahora puedes desmontar colmillos mágicos, colmillos de tanzanita, sopletes sin carga, rostro de serp y yelmos de serp sin carga por 20k escamas de Zulrah. -Falador, Desert, Western, Wilderness y Lumbridge Diaries ahora son completamente funcionales. -¡Varias otras pequeñas correcciones de errores! Enlace de descarga: contenido oculto Reacciona o responde a este tema para ver el contenido oculto. Medios de comunicación: Revelar contenidos ocultos This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up ty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THE GAMER 3 Posted December 4, 2021 Report Share Posted December 4, 2021 On 4/14/2020 at 9:23 AM, RuneArchive said: -Hydra's -Chambers of Xeric -Inferno Boss fight in this release is roughly 90% -All TOB weapons -Some combat changes / rework -New Custom UI to somewhat mimic OSRS (tabs)-New Interface: -Teleport tab was added for QoL purposes -Edited player names above head to look more appealing -Fixed a bug with Zulrah -Fixed total levels not accumulating properly, now displays correctly -Removed old clunky commands -Added commands for all web related things forums, votes, highscores, etc. -Added new items to the starter kits upon login for each game mode -Created a new interface for choosing your game mode -Improved equipment switching -Implemented experience rates for beta -Various QoL updates -Added various minimap icons, including the unique home area -Total level now displays correctly, missed updating method when construction was added -Staff ranks get corresponding crowns on their player names to make it easier to find staff members. -Overhead player names will be toggle-able for players who wish to turn it off -Added a tutorial for new players -Removed the 24 hour wait period before you can begin staking -Revenant Cave agility shortcuts now require an agility level before you can use them. -Corrected the elf warrior teleport, it now takes you to the correct location. -The lumbridge teleport will now actually take you to lumbridge. -Moved slayer masters from edgeville to home. -Removed most of the edgeville shop NPC's, they are now located at home. -Removed the Emblem trader from home, he will remain in edgeville near the wilderness. -Fixed a bug where Abberant Spectres were not counting towards slayer task. -Removed all NPC's on bobs island, not sure what we will do with this area yet. -Updated cost of enchantment tabs in the magic shop. -Added more NPC's to home, including an iron man shop and a general store. -Moved the location of some NPC's around home. -Grace is now located at the Gnome agility course. -Bob Barter will now decant your potions at home. -Decreased the amount of slayer points required to learn Superiors and Cerberus -Decreased the number of Jads that could be assigned for a slayer task, it will now choose a random number between 1-20, down from 1-50. -Taverly dungeon enterance/exit now works as intended -The ice dungeon in Port Sarim will now take you to the proper place. Bug would take you to taverly dungeon. -Decreased amount of slayer monsters given per task. -The castle wars portal at clan wars will now take you to castle wars. -Added a teleport outside the revenant cave enterance (43 Wild) -Added a teleport to Draynor Village -Fixed a few mispelled words -Fixed clipping at home, can no longer noclip through walls / objs (test more please) -Set the "Cannot drop in combat rule" to only be active in the wilderness -Yell; Anyone can now yell if the player count is below 25 -Fixed two broken links within client, forums and vote. -Firemaking and fletching now work as intended. -Fixed a big old bug causing player to be attacked infinitely -Donor shop (online and in game) worked on - Email is hooked -Fixed gem prices, cut gems will now sell for less than uncut. -Updated Gargoyle slayer xp, was too low. -Edgeville Dungeon ladder now takes you to the correct location -Karamja teleport no longer takes you to shilo village -Fixed the dialouge when creating an infernal pickaxe/axe. -The portal at bobs island now takes you to home -Updated Ardougne Achievement diary to clarify that some achievements have to be done in ardougne. -You can now pickpocket master farmers and also complete the ardougne medium task. -Lowered required times to pickpocket master farmer for ardy task to 80 -Created donation scrolls -Fixed donator shop second click -Made donor scrolls stackable -Friends now show up in green for player names. -Darklight can now be obtained through a Desert Diary task (Killing the shadow of the storm) -Arclight can now be created using a darklight and 3 ancient shards -Black Demons no longer count towards the boss slayer achievement -Fixed Crafting Skill Cape teleport -Anti-Venom is now made with the 4 dose antidote++, to match the rest of herblore potion creation. -Updated thieving stalls xp, they now scale correctly. -Elder Maul now has the correct attack styles -Scythe of Vitur is now actually a 2 handed weapon, sorry brandon. -Amethyst Veins now correctly deplete -Fixed an issue with barbarian agility course wall objects not giving xp if standing in a certain area. -Fixed multi barrage XP drop spam issue -Edited and perfected Inferno map - Game entrance zone -Added Animated Black armor support to Warriors guild - All to OSRS standards. -Fixed players walking away once they add the armor to the Magical Animator -Reviewed the Items kept on death dupe - believe it is resolved. (was only occuring on defenders) -Updated Lands end with various shops and fishing area's. -Removed Skillers Cove -Placed cave horrors in their correct location, there is a teleport for them as well. -Added a city teleport to Kourend. -Polishing Hunter (Work in Progress). Replaced some animations to be the correct ones. -Hydra combat is now 90% (Posion spec needs some work). -Started work on a ZMI Altar for runecrafting, giving more options than just the Abyss. -Updated some of the shops (Still a work in progress) -You can now dismantle magic fangs, tanzanite fangs, uncharged blow pipes, serp visage, and uncharged serp helms for 20k Zulrah scales. -Falador, Desert, Western, Wilderness, and Lumbridge Diaries are all now fully functional. -Various other small bug fixes! Download Link: Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. Media: Reveal hidden contents This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up ty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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