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Custom or Normal?


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I personally prefer standard content OSRS. I do not enjoy all of these "custom" servers. To me, it's very distasteful. I see some RSPS that have Pokemon NPC's and all sorts of random things, and it just makes me wonder how this even fits the niche. Idk, I just prefer my good ol' OSRS based servers with increased experience and what not. Sometimes I'll give spawn servers a try so I can do some PVP, but most of the time I'll play standard RSPS servers so I can jump right into pvm after training fast.

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Normal all the way, though I've seen some customs that aren't OP and use underutilized existing models (there was one server with chompy bird hats giving STR and ATT bonuses and you had to earn each feather and color all the way up to 5 feather black which gave something like +35 str, was so fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like customs, but I have found myself not liking the overly custom servers like Dreamscape and such. I do love when OSRS based servers incorporate their own customs however.

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Tbh, im into a litle bit into customs (items wich are a litle bit better) but not into stuff like at DreamScape wich is just Fully custom, that is waaay to much

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