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  1. Gonna check this out for sure. Thanks.
  2. I might start playing it again, holy cow.
  3. Eh, not too into JDM, if I had to pick I'd say Mazda RX7/8
  4. Imagine all that money just from hosting a custom version of a game, lol, insane.
  5. I'm big on steak an potatos, grew up on a farm and grandpa was a butcher so that was dinner most of the time.
  6. I'm not religious but my father is, he'd say it doesn't matter how you believe in Jesus, just that you do.
  7. I've never really been on Rune Server so I'll take your word on it.
  8. If we're being technical the egg came way before reptiles had evolved into chickens. Although if chickens came from prehistoric reptiles then they would pretty much be chickens. I'd go with eggs though since you wouldn't consider a velociraptor a chicken, but you'd still consider a velociraptor egg an egg.
  9. I like Purple even though it's not technically a color since it doesn't have a wave on the color spectrum.
  10. First status post here, Just figuring things out.

  11. Hey, How ya dern'? I'm just your average neighborhood Automotive Tech that enjoys a bit of rsps in my off time, looking forward to living on here for a while. Hope y'all had a nice Holiday and New Year.



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What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex, rune-server and runelocus in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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