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Lurker here


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I've spent a lot of time lurking and having a random incomplete project here & there. Back around 05' someone told me about the magic that was Moparscape  when I was mining/banking iron ore on RS & I could spawn my own items & become NPCs - was awesome haha, spend the next several years or more playing Dodian, Frugooscape, RogueX, JSRII, Emps-scape & plenty that I've forgotten but my most fond memories are going to some random toplist to had nothing but no-ip addresses & ports you could connect to using Silabsoft/Moparscape.


Learned enough to get myself around most sources without trouble & a half-decent self-taught knowledge of why things work or don't work but that is more or less specific to server based content, when it come to more complicated client modifications & changes I always end up creating a post in "Help". Honestly spent the last few years becoming indulged in OSRS since release & even voted for it way back when R-S posted an announcement about the public poll.


Favorite project that I'm watching like a hawk is 'Lost City' that involves 225 revision data and the creator states it'll become open-source once they hit an appropriate point in development, without a doubt I'm holding my breath for that day because it's exactly the sort of content I've desired to work with. Really, really enjoyed rune1 but was crushed to find there is no access to that source I've found, RS2-Beta is something of a passion to me but it's barely accessible considering how rare the cache is to locate as complete & a functional server that's user-friendly.


New to runesuite ha I've always been on R-S or Moparscape when it was just an SMF, pleasure to meet you!

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