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Want to run a local server


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Hey all, I haven't tried touching rsps since before OSRS came out. I use to mess with them back in the day doing 317s but they were so much easier. Now I can't find a quick and easy file to just run for jar or .bat. I have been trying to find and follow guides to run them but I'm so lost... I have downloaded Eclipse and IntelliJ, plus the Rift RSPS based on Kronos. I don't intend to develop it and make money or anything, just run it for myself and test things. Any help would be great and I have discord to be able to communicate more easily as well.


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Do not run a .bat that could be quite dangerous for your PC. becasuse most of the time hidden in the code of those bats is a rat hidden deep within your %appdata%. If you've got discord/team viewer Im free today and can give you a hand and show you how to run a little local server for yourself 👍

Can msg me here or on discord @ Herpex#8559

Edited by Herpexual
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What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


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