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I personally tried moving from Eclipse 2023 using JDK 17 LTS to IntelliJ Community Edition this is what i found,


Eclipse Tends to be easier once you understand where everything is example the marketplace plugins, for de compilers, maven, markup and so on.

Using different JRE and JDK can be a pain at times when attempting to update old source code to modern java standards it requires switching back and forth with much hassle.

Also Eclipse does not use any kind of Intellisense in the Integrated Development Environment outside of the bare minimum .


IntelliJ on the other hand has the following amazing and beautiful features by default even in the Community Edition so its free just like Eclipse personally i use free products unless i can't live without something and i plan on upgrading IntelliJ so i have the java profiling tools built in as its a pain at times using them on Linux as a stand alone.


The intellisense is amazing also using modern java the cleanup and refactoring actually suggests above minimal recommendations like a missing closing bracket or missing semicolon at the end of a method.

on top of this when moving to a different Java its as simple as downloading it directly from the chosen place mine being Adoption and then moving the Java API Formatting to what i need it too be until each piece is updated or i just need to see if something is backwards compatible.


Another nice feature say you have like most server

if (foo == true) {


}  else {




It then recommends that hey you seem to be using a complex way of doing this? Click Simplify and you get something that should have been used to begin with because it will always start as true why you say? It and If and Else Statement meaning the following is valid.


If you are using modern java API you get recommendations like the new Switch Expressions that are much more modern vs switch Statements it will then ask you to switch the JVM? to say 17 and then will modifiy the source code to match that Java Virtual Machines Application Protocol Interface mine being Java 17 LTS.


After using Eclipse for close to 10 years i can say i have fully made the switch to IntelliJ after using it for about a month before deciding you will not be unhappy with the switch but these are the changes at least ones that matter to me.


The building of Java Applications and Running them work about the same as well the only different is when there is an issue Intellij will tell you the exact line in the JVM causing the issue or a round about issue to get a grasp on whats happening depending on if its a threading issue as it won't let you build with errors present.


Anyways hopefully this explained something.

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