I've been running a small project with the Valius 2020 release and someone just logged in basically trying to extort me to tell me how he did a dupe. I told him I would be willing to pay so he then decided to try to dupe & share the gains within the server & I banned him. After a disucssion on discord with him just trying to give me the run-around for an OSRS gp payment I have no real information.
I know he utilized the bank booth for the dupe, I believe it works with both stackables and unstackable items but I am unsure since I was only able to monitor him for a short time before having to ban the account. Does anyone know how to replicate the dupe or anything?
Willing to pay for help with the issue or for the actual fix, Thanks!
Upon further investigation of his player logs the player was also dropping the items he was duping.