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Posts posted by Tiller

  1. On 11/17/2017 at 1:11 AM, Vernorexia said:

    When you say buggy how buggy is it? How is the combat im looking to create a Economy Pk server and i think a deob would be best. Any information on this would be appreciated. Thanks for Release

    I know there are some dupe issues, client freezing issues, etc. easy fixes.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Java said:

    Thanks guys, I'll be posting a project thread soon with a beta release date so hopefully you see it :)


    All good, Vencillio is a bitch anyways. I could have gotten a new forum done up easily, but it was the inspiration i needed to start this new project that will turn out more successful than Lunar Isle. 

    Then you're welcome I guess. :x



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