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Everything posted by leclerc

  1. op needs to understand the meaning of leak.
  2. check out the leaked lost-isle, it's basically that.
  3. you can check out the astrect deob client that is being sold for like $80, lol.
  4. who doesn't, lol. unless you're on the development team and feel the need to sabotage their server for no apparent reason or a top-notch hacker that can somehow get access to their vps or server files from wherever you are, there isn't going to be a way to just "leak" a server. i presume every member of their development team is honest and trustworthy so unless alora was sold in the past, there's no way to get ahold of the server without some mad skills, lmao. but hey, i'd like os-scape and maybe even runescape.
  5. i think you're confused. this isn't mine, lol.
  6. unsure of how this guy managed to push out a v3 and have people purchase it, lol. every version that he's sold consists of minimal changes, with previous bugs still left unfixed. ORIGINAL THREAD:
  7. the leaked battle-os had all of the interfaces, whereas the release on r-s had some removed, along with other small features.
  8. i don't understand what you're saying either, as most of these leaks are due to the sale threads on rune-server. unsatisfied customers that have made these particular purchases may have felt the need to distribute their purchased content, hence the leak. i never mentioned anything about leaks being on rune-server, so i'm not sure where you're going off to. of course, there are plenty of rsps communities but a majority of the leaked content you're seeing here are from original purchases from rune-server, therefore without rune-server's selling section, these leaks wouldn't have been accomplished. however, there is an exception to this statement, and that is if you were part of a development team with a disloyal member(s) which has made a decision to leak their team's content. the most recent "hack" on their website isn't a hack. rune-server forums are still active but they're experiencing web-host issues due to third-party.
  9. this is already on rune-server. i have the copy with the cache before it got taken down if anyone is needing it.
  10. where are the leaks going to come from without rune-server...?
  11. leclerc

    Vernox RS3 Release

    probably requires sql.
  12. leclerc


    are you dylan mills?
  13. leclerc


    welcome to the community.
  14. leclerc


    if users were to just register and leech content in which the forum provides, this would definitely "kill" the community. best of luck on your #562 development as there aren't many revisions of such, other than the released #562 arios on rune-server.
  15. leclerc


    welcome to the community. only leechers will question intros and necessary posts as they only desire the content. also, that's an unnecessary amount of commas.
  16. you use eclipse. took me 5 seconds to fix it.
  17. runeleak requires new members to have a post count of 20 to view the downloads section. rune-server's new members do not. so...i don't see how this would be an advantage...?
  18. how is this considered a leak? you're just re-posting from rune-server.


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