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Everything posted by ilord

  1. ilord

    Norse Sql Files

    why is this legal hahahahaha
  2. the fate of creation hangs in the balance.
  3. it will be, because of warriors like you.
  4. what is the point in custom servers.
  5. ilord


    the answers you seek lie within.
  6. coronavirs is a man-made justice bringer.
  7. ilord


    death may be the only solace.
  8. this had better be worth it
  9. Im sorry,but this just is not gonna happen.
  10. The fate of creation hangs in the balance
  11. ilord

    Valius - 2020

    as is your inability to comprehend the greater scheme of things.
  12. your violence is young prodigal is typical.
  13. im not helpess cerebrate to be assailed under cover of darkness.
  14. this is unimagineable heresy
  15. ilord

    Arcanium Re-UP

    we have always been unanimous
  16. ilord

    Eldrax Release

    uncharacteristically incomprehensible.
  17. ilord

    galaxy fixed version

    this pathetic piece of work is not worth my precious time
  18. nothing matters as much as that special thing
  19. i am required by law to post in order to download
  20. i am required to post a comment in order to download.
  21. ilord

    Centauri- Released

    im giving you seconds of my precious time to download your suggested file. this had better be worth it.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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