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 RuneSuite Veteran
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Everything posted by Life

  1. i can find the models and anims in my sleep. why don't you just write your own zulrah
  2. so ur trying to leech zulrah but you're missing the main file. sounds legit
  3. I mean I can write you the classes if you'd like to buy them.
  4. Life

    Vernox RS3 Release

    I'm sure someone has a working copy
  5. STOP POSTING IN THE WRONG SECTION. A 'LEAK' IS A SOURCE/CLIENT/CACHE THAT HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED, AND EITHER OBTAINED BY STEALING IT, OR YOU'RE ONE OF FEW WHO HAVE IT. STOP POSTING RELEASING FROM OTHER RSPS COMMUNITIES AS 'LEAKS', POST THEM AS REGULAR DOWNLOADS. If i see anymore downloads in the wrong spot I'm reporting it, regardless of who posted it; Mod(s) please do your job and move the threads that don't belong, your rank isn't just a graphic, it's a job & responsibility. If you've got something from another community post it HERE. If you stole something, or are 1 of few who have a certain client/source/cache then post it HERE. Definition of 'Leak': to become known unintentionally
  6. Heres a run through of Ardy rn
  7. If you'd like to post them I can help you; if I remember correctly it's nothing that will mess the server up
  8. looks like the client version is different. Is that the client that came in the package?
  9. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Puniksuke, hope you enjoy your stay; also please give a 'vote up' for those who leaked sources that you're using, show some appreciation, it goes a along way. =)
  10. Welcome to RuneLeak Tyler, hope you enjoy your stay. Thanks for making an actually decent introduction. +1
  11. Welcome to RuneLeak Levi, hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Martin, hope you enjoy your stay.
  13. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Missingone, hope you enjoy your stay.
  14. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Md, hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Penta, hope you enjoy your stay.
  16. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Eriq, hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. Life

    runeqiu source

    What is your troubles post any errors if you have them please.
  18. Life

    Vernox RS3 Release

    Any 830 cache will work, can someone link him a working one, I've deleted this off my PC. Thanks in advance!
  19. Welcome to RuneLeak Dylan, hope you enjoy your stay.



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