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 RuneSuite Veteran
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Everything posted by Life

  1. Welcome to RuneLeak S M O R E S, hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. This was released on another community, so it's not a leak. =)
  3. Really nice source for beginners to start out on, one of the few sources I'd recommend using.
  4. Just an OS server, nothing too special but thanks for the leak.
  5. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Shifty, hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome to RuneLeak Austin, hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Welcome to RuneLeak Fredrik, hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. This button goes a long way guys.
  9. I couldn't run a server without .bat files at first, until I learned how to run and use Eclipse. Some people are differant learners, just got to find where you can best learn. =)
  10. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Shawty, hope you enjoy your stay.
  11. Welcome to RuneLeak SomewhereinAfrica, hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. You need Mongo to run Lost-Isle, unless you disabled the DB, in which that would be dumb, and time consuming.
  13. You'd need a 530 client to run it
  14. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Luka hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Welcome to RuneLeak Squid, hope you enjoy your stay.
  16. Welcome to RuneLeak Texel, hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. Life

    Hey bois

    Welcome to RuneLeak Arman hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. Welcome to RuneLeak Draven, hope you enjoy your stay.
  19. Most things you can rip from other custom sources, like Imagine. Point system are pretty easy, for the stores just change the currency that the shop takes to whatever ID you want if its another physical item, or make the NPC read your points on your char. There's tons of tutorials on dicing, and making Ironmen on your server. Also, I would work with Java more, explore your files, read the code, and try to understand it. There are free classes online where you can learn Java. =) If you still need help on anything in a few days let me know.
  20. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Leclerc, hope you enjoy your stay.
  21. Welcome to RuneLeak Harry, hope you enjoy your stay.
  22. Welcome to RuneLeak David, hope you enjoy your stay.
  23. Life

    Hey guys

    Welcome to RuneLeak Mathy; it's about time you made an introduction, hope you enjoy your stay.
  24. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Replenish, hope you enjoy your stay.



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