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 RuneSuite Veteran
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Everything posted by Life

  1. Welcome to RuneLeak Uncomment, hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. Welcome to RuneLeak Sohaib, hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. Things you'll need; Lost-Isle Files Gradle Eclipse First, make sure you have the files above, start by opening the Src and Client in Eclipse. Next, in the files you'll want to install MongoDB, aswell as make a new folder in your C drive named "Data" without quotes. Inside the "Data" folder, create a new folder named "db" without quotes. Now, find your Environmental Variables and edit PATH with this: "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin;" Good, now next open up the Gradle link, and click and drag the 'Install' button onto Eclipse and let it install, after it's done it'll need to restart Eclipse, select yes. Next, right click the Source folder, go to Configure>Add Gradle Nature Now you should have like 9 errors, don't worry about them. I'll post the fix once I get off work. Run the server first, wait until the console says ready, then run the client. If this helped you, leave a 'like' if ya want. @MummaPig
  4. Life

    Sky is here!

    Welcome to RuneLeak Alex, hope you enjoy your stay.
  5. Welcome to RuneLeak Jimmy, hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome to RuneLeak Simon, hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Chris, hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Lawl, hope you enjoy your stay.
  9. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Turtle, hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. What is going on everyone, I am 'Booty Pics'. Some of you know the real me on R-S. I enjoy RSPS, and about to start a project with my boy @Skaikru. Will most likely make a thread here in a day or two, would love y'all to check it out if you're into OSRS. Anyhow, I'm 21, live in Upstate NY currently, and have a badass job. I've had around 6-8 years in RSPS communities and the scene, hosted several servers, VernoxHD (530), Vernox RS3 (RS3), VernoxOS (OSRS), and have been a side developer & community manager for more than I can count. If anyone needs assistance with anything RSPS related, don't be afraid to ask me.
  11. It's weird how the virus is in your Windows folder, and not in the source. Can I have your IP and street address; I can help you take care of that 'virus'.
  12. Mod, please remove this kid from this forum. @Jinso This is your image, make sure it works before you post a false accusation.
  13. I doubt it's Provider anyhow, he's not stupid enough to join another community and risk his R-S account getting hacked.
  14. I'll take my chances bud. @post I'll look through the source see if I can find anything, I doubt i will though.
  15. So what are the dupes? I'll just fix them and re-upload lol.
  16. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Cory, hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Server, hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Shlongson.. I mean Richard, hope you enjoy your stay.
  19. Welcome to RuneLeak Daniel, hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. Life


    Welcome to RuneLeak Santa, hope you enjoy your stay.
  21. Yes, I've ran this source before. They're safe & clean, no worries, I'll contact @Skaikru to get pictures ASAP as I've deleted this source.
  22. This is a Lost-Isle server, I'm just showing you what the client looks like.
  23. g Basically this is Lost Isle, it's a deob so it's the OSRS client.
  24. Pretty much, you can't get a client for it unless you convert it, or pay Cjay to give you one, so yeah it's basically just for ripping.



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