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Everything posted by 0117be

  1. When i try running the client on eclipse it says "Selection does not contain a main type"
  2. 0117be


    Welcome to Runeleak Ian
  3. Welcome to RL! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  4. 0117be


    Welcome to RL! Great name, love that song.
  5. 0117be


    Welcome to RL! Hope you find what you're looking for.
  6. 0117be


    Welcome to RL!
  7. there are no problems / errors in eclipse only when i compile using the .bat
  8. but deathly pvpz doesnt have a run server for eclipse so i have to compile and run using .bats what i am saying is i did everything through eclipse and had no error but the server im usign cant be ran through eclipse therefore i have to use .bats
  9. Is there a better server i should be using rather then deathlypvpz?
  10. 0117be


    I have watched tutorials and guides, yet still get errors lol
  11. Did that exactly using eclipse, tried running but deathly pvpz doesnt have a run server for eclipse so i have to compile and run using .bats, and i get a bunch of these compiling Javafiles\ItemDef_2.java:2495: error: class, interface, or enum expected itemdef.maleModel = 80489; ^ Javafiles\ItemDef_2.java:2496: error: class, interface, or enum expected itemdef.femaleModel = 80534; ^ 100 errors
  12. 0117be


    Its okay, ive just been trying to add these for 3 days straight, and when people make it seem like i havent tried anything " search on google" and stuff makes me mad, ive tried everything but i couldnt get it to work, thanks for trying though!
  13. 0117be


    thanks but i tried packing into deathlypvpz im not retarded nor do i need you to treat me like i am, i just tried doing it myself and couldnt get it to work.. thats when i ask for help, so thanks for showing em how to use google as i never would of know how? jesus


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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